Minggu, 13 April 2014


No one ever like being alone
But that's what I feel now
Like no one understands me
My important person get further
Even the person I wish fill the empty in my heart
Can't stand by my side
Poor me get no where to run
In this big world
I feel so smal
In croweded I'm being lonely

I can't fnd the word to say
Can't hold this emotion anymore
The only way is crying
But seems my tears have dried

It's already hurt enough
Felt lost for many times
Even with the same way
Just made it more severe
The hole in my heart got bigger

Could someone fix my heart?
I just remembered no one really can fix heart
Actually Allah never let me alone
Allah just let me felt lost to find the better one afterall
Yeah, I hope so...

Unfortunately I need to take a rest
Coz I'm tired with all of this
Let me heal it with my way
I just don't wanna feel anykind of lost anymore
You don't know how it feels, do you?
(Maybe some of you do)

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

To the Only One, Haru

What's so wrong with this feelings?
It justs.. my feelings have changed
This love has fade away
My heartbeat isn't the same anymore
But believe it or not
That love still exsist, not entirely away
You still have pieces of my heart
Somehow in the deepest of my heart
I still expect you
Not easy at all to just leave what we've been through

To you who made my day,

To you, the only reason for me to smile
And the remedy when I'm falling apart
To the only one, Haru

Thanks and sorry for everything,
You're irreplaceable,
Precious person ever
I won' regret met you, really...

Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014


For Haru...
Have met you, have known you and.. I've fell for you before I realized it. 

      Nothing special about him actually but he's different from others (unless for me)! hehehe :D
       Niatan awal aku deketin Haru cuma ikutin kata hati aku aja biar dia jadi makcomlang. Malahan hal itulah yang buat aku nyadar kalo sebenernya aku nggak nyearching dgn si TRM itu. Org yg aku searching itu ya... Haru. Tp aku jg tw kalo itu semua adl sebuah kesalahan. Krn apa? At that time, he was the man who can't be moved.
      Jadinya apa bulih buat, terjebak friendzone deh selama ± 4 bulan. Selama itu ya jd ngenal Haru sedikit banyak. Haru itu seru diajak maen, tp kesel jg sih kalo jahilnya kambuh. Aku dgn dia kayak magnet yg berlawanan. Aku kelewat lurus, dia berkelok-kelok. Aku es, dia api. Haru itu kayak singa tidur. Dia jg bakal nunjukin sisi rapuhnya ke org" tertentu aja.
      Jujur dr awal aku nggak prnh ngincer status 'pacaran' krn rawan dgn kata 'putus'. Much better be bestfriend. Olehny kalo mmg org itu real bestfriend bakal awet malah lbh deket drpd org pacaran. Tp aku jg nggak mau muna kalo aku pengen Haru nyearching balik *bukan berarti nembak*. Intinya tetep jd bestfriend tp saling nyearching, nggak perlu pake embel" pacaran segala.
     Well, ternyata Haru jg nyearching balik entah dr kpn. He had his way to let me know about it. (Makasih kpd seseorang dgn improvisasi yg terlalu jauh & secara tdk lgsg ngasih tau kalo aku nyearching Haru). Sehari stlh tgl Haru ultah, dia ngasih something dgn cara yg bs dibilang not kinda romantic krn lgsg keluyuran abis itu (whateverlah yg pntg udah tau kalo slg nyearching, udah lbh dr cukup :D thanks so much). 
      It's unpreforgettable! Surprising, embrassing, and happy moment! {} Yg jd saksi matanya ya.. kawan sebangku aku, Ritsu. Hampir bisa dipastiin cuma Ritsu yg ngeliat kejadian itu krn yg laen pada ngantin gala utk ngisi perut. Stlh kejadian itu, jdny ada yg sering modus tuh.., sering banget malah, jg lbh care.

        Kayaknya ini dulu cerita tntg Haru, you can call me Miku :D
